How Long Should You Really Keep Your Bras and Panties?
You know that well-loved pair you keep hanging on to? The one that is slowly losing its shape? It might be time to let go.
Beating cancer taught me the value of embracing life to the fullest
What if the things you fear most actually did come true? You have probably heard of the popular saying that most things we worry about...
How to Wake Up with More Energy On Less Sleep
How sleep affects our biology is significantly influenced by our beliefs about the amount of sleep we need. Essentially, how we feel upon...
Cissy talks about the benefits of adding yoga to your lifestyle
Cissy Nansere is one of the most popular and agile yogis in Uganda. She is popular on Instagram, for creating beautiful shapes in front of beautiful backdrops.
How I lost over 70 kgs in 12 months
Hadasa Were is so glamorous, so fit that you would never guess just a few months ago she was one of those overweight women that people never give a second glance.